Temperature Measurements


Look down the left hand column to find the units you are converting from , and then work across the table to your right to find the units that you are converting to .
x means multiply by the conversion factor.
/ means divide by the conversion factor.


To: From: K °C °F
K - 273.15 (K - 273.15) x 9/5 + 32
°C + 273.15 x 9/5 + 32
°F (°F - 32) x 5/9 + 273.15 (°F - 32) x 5/9


In the tables below the lenghts and distances are the most commonly found in every day use . The tables will help you to convert them.

Degrees Fahrenheit to Degrees Celcius

°F °C
25 -4
30 -1
35 2
40 4
45 7
50 10
55 13
60 16
65 18
70 21
75 24
80 27
85 29
90 32
95 35
100 38
200 93
225 107
250 121
275 135
300 149
325 163
350 177
375 191
400 204
425 218
450 232
475 246
500 260