Conversion Tables

The following tables list the conversion factors between commonly used units. Look down the left hand column to find the units you are converting from , and then work across the table to your right to find the units that you are converting to .

x means multiply by the conversion factor.

/ means divide by the conversion factor.

Length, Distance

To: From: mm cm m in ft yd
mm / 10 / 1000 / 25.4 / 304.8 / 914.4
cm x 10 / 100 / 2.54 / 30.48 / 91.44
m x 1000 x 100 x 39.3701 x 3.28084 x 1.09361
in x 25.4 x 2.54 / 39.3701 / 12 / 36
ft x 304.8 x 30.48 / 3.28084 x 12 / 3
yd x 914.4 x 91.44 / 1.09361 x 36 x 3


To: From: km miles NM
km / 1.60934 / 1.852
miles x 1.60934 / 1.15078
NM x 1.852 x 1.15078


To: From: ha ft² yd² acres
/ 10000 x 10.7639 x 1.19599 / 4050
ha x 10000 x 107639 x 11959.9 x 2.46914
ft² / 10.7639 / 107639 / 9 / 43593.8
yd² / 1.19599 / 11959.9 x 9 / 4843.76
acres x 4050 / 2.46914 x 43593.8 x 4843.76


To: From: l cc fl oz pt gal US gal
l x 1000 / 1000 x 33.814 x 1.76056 / 4.55 / 3.78514
cc / 1000 / 29.5735 / 568 / 4550 / 3785.41
x 1000 x 33842 x 1760.56 x 219.78 x 264.172
fl oz / 33.814 x 29.5735 / 33842 / 19.2064 / 153.854 / 128
pt / 1.76056 x 568 / 1760.56 x 19.2064 / 8.01056 / 6.66446
gal x 4.55 x 4550 / 219.78 x 153.854 x 8.01056 x 1.20198
US gal x 3.78514 x 3785.41 / 264.172 x 128 x 6.66446 / 1.20198

Weight, Mass

To: From: g kg t oz lb tons
g / 1000 / 28.3495 / 453.592
kg x 1000 / 1000 x 35.274 x 2.20462 / 1016
t x 1000 x 2204.62 / 1.016
oz x 28.3495 / 35.274 / 16
lb x 453.592 / 2.20462 / 2204.62 x 16 / 2239.9
tons x 1016 x 1.016 x 2239.9


To: From: m/s km/h mph kt
m/s x 3.6 x 2.23694 x 1.94384
km/h / 3.6 / 1.60934 / 1.852
mph / 2.23694 x 1.60934 / 1.15078
kt / 1.94384 x 1.852 x 1.15078


To: From: kPa mbar psi
kPa x 10 / 6.89016
mbar / 10 / 68.9016
psi x 6.89016 x 68.9016


To: From: Nm in lb ft lb
Nm x 8.85666 / 1.35491
in lb / 8.85666 / 12
ft lb x 1.35491 x 12


To: From: K °C °F
K - 273.15 (K - 273.15) x 9/5 + 32
°C + 273.15 x 9/5 + 32
°F (°F - 32) x 5/9 + 273.15 (°F - 32) x 5/9


To: From: rad deg grad
rad x 180/ x 200/
deg x /180 x 10/9
grad x /200 x 9/10